Use Value

Notice of Change of Terms


Notice of Change in Terms 

Lately I noticed more of my skills are being capitalized and the range of my value expanding. I'd given it a lot of thought and decided that for Use Value, fidelity is more important than cheapness. Hence from now on the pricing rules will be updated as such: instead of using the hourly rate that I eared as a hostess in 2015, Use Value will take the average of all hitherto hourly rates that I’ve ever earned. This number will continue to fluctuate, tuned to my ongoing economic life. Use Value wants to be a window, borrowing from outside, the vivid and puzzling, ever-changing reality.

Thank you my dear customers of Use Value, your buying is voting, your money is love.


photo by Wang Chi-hsun, 2016, New York

photo by Wang Chi-hsun, 2016, New York